Here are some ways the world can seem that much more manageable, for the traveler, the traveled, or the everyday blog reader. I personally recommend getting involved with any of the following based on my own experiences:
If you want more culture and less hotel, join Couch Surfing.

CouchSurfing is a worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visit.
Or, if you want to make hostel booking worlds easier, try HostelWorld.
Hostel World is an online network that allows you to see reviews of hostels you are interested in and takes you all the way through the booking process. What could be simpler?
And if you're not traveling at the moment, here are some ways you can help make a global impact in your community or even from your own home.
When we travel, we make a direct impact on the world. So it goes to reason that when we venture out, being responsible for other cultures and the condition of the earth should be as high of a priority as the responsibilities we have to ourselves: to be safe, healthy and sustained.
Help change a community with Kiva Microlending.
You're $25 USD away from changing the world tenfold.
Wake up our world by supporting the International Rescue Committee combat global issues for women, children, and refugees.
Aside from donations, you can volunteer in many locations globally and in the US.
For those looking for adventure in their own community, start big changes with the smallest of waves through